Experimental Boat videos - page 5 - Boatek

Bob Quinton of Suffolk (England) designed a catamaran with an over-the-top wingsail. (i.e. it is flipped over the top to tack - it is upright while sailing).

The sail is patented (No 2255541), and it controls an asymmetric underwater hydrofoil, to counteract the side force.

Bob died in 2004 - any enquiries to Gen Quinton These clips are from a video made by Genevieve Quinton. Any enquiries to: Genevieve Quinton, Boatek, Abbey Farm, Gulpher Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk, IP11 9DN, UK. Telephone (+44)394 670302

See also the still photos elsewhere on this site

See their web page on http://www.boatek.club24.co.uk

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