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Online Books, articles, etc.
- Anyboat online boating zine
- Applied Aerodynamics online digital textbook for students
- The Bent Bulkhead: book of cartoons for the sailor
- Beattie, John: The Breath of Angels - a true story of life and death at sea
- Bishop, Nathaniel Holmes: Four Months in a Sneak Box (1879)
- Cat Tales: on-line cruising catamaran newsletter.
- CASailor's Home Page - has many stories of cruises linked to it.
- Engel, Art: guide to the 1997 Racing Rules of Sailing
- Ganssle, Jack: Go West ! - the author's story of his entry in the 1992 singlehanded transatlantic race
- Gougeon Bros.: WEST System Technical Manual
- Hebert, James: Maintenance Logs (notes from some first-hand experiences in the repair and maintenance of boats)
- ISAF (formerly IYRU) Racing Rules
- Kamen, Paul: article on surface-piercing propellers, from Professional Boatbuilder magazine
- Keiper, Dave: article about Stormy Petrel sailing hydrofoil
- MacGregor, John: 1000 Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe (1866)
- MacNaughton Group: some books available
- MacNaughton Group: yacht design course
- McGrady, John: Sailing the Dream - cruising in 30 ft Querenicia in Pacific
- Merten, Jacques: Stitch 'n' Glue Primer
- Mitchell, Chris: Rig Design Hints
- NACA: National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Publications from 1917 to 1958 (incomplete)
- Nautica Maritime history archive
- Stevenson, Robert Louis: An Inland Voyage (1877)
- Video on line: Sea Page
- Wier, Stuart: essay by Stuart Wier on building a boat like the one in Swallows and Amazons
- Zander, Paul: Design and Construction of Centerboards and Rudders, Essay on hydrodynamic foils
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