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The Sinclairs of Roslin, Caithness, and Goshen


Copies of this work can be obtained from the author at the rate of $1.00 per copy, post paid. Only one hundred copies have been printed.


I have written this work simply for the benefit of those now living, and those who may be in existence one hundred years hence, of the descendants of Alexander Sinclair, John Ur Sinclair and George Sinclair in Goshen. I have consequently given a number of minor details which would be unnecessary and out of place in a work of a more general character. The chapters on the Lords of Roslin and the Sinclairs of Caithness should be of interest to those who do not possess Henderson's Caithness Family History. The chapter on the Sinclairs of Goshen can be of interest only to themselves and their relatives.

I have had four different searches made in the Register House, Edinburgh, for genealogical facts. I have to thank Mr. George Macbeath, Bighouse, for his kindness in collecting information for me with regard to the descendants of William, Donald, and Ann Sinclair in Strath-halladale.

The subscriptions received do not pay the cost of getting searches made in the Register House and printing and binding the book. Mr. John H. Sinclair, New Glasgow, has offered to pay the whole of the loss. I cannot accept the whole of it from him. He can, however, have the privilege of paying the half of it for the sake of the Sinclairs of Shurery.

A. Maclean Sinclair.
Belfast, P.E. Island,
3 September 1901.

Note. - Seventy copies of this work were published in September 1901.
Owing to some facts ascertained since then, I have had thirteen pages reprinted.
The copies now published, thirty in number, are as full and correct as it is possible for me to make them.
I feel deeply obliged to Mr. Thomas Sinclair, the Caithness historian and antiquarian, for assisting me promptly and heartily, indeed enthusiastically, in collecting the information I required.

22 March 1902.


  1. The Lords of Roslin
  2. The Land of the Cattians
  3. The Earls of Caithness
  4. The Sinclairs of Shurery and Strath Halladale
  5. The Descendants of Alexander Sinclair in Shurery
  6. The Descendants of John Sinclair in Goshen
  7. The Descendants of Alexander Sinclair in Goshen
  8. The Descendants of Donald Sinclair in Goshen
  9. The Descendants of John Ban Sinclair in Goshen
  10. The Descendants of John Sinclair in Breckrow
  11. The Descendants of George Sinclair in Breckrow
  12. The Descendants of George Sinclair in Breckrow
  13. Additions
  14. Subscribers
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